Sunday, April 28, 2013

Mobile Apps

I made the leap into mobile apps 2 years ago when the school I teach at bought each classroom 1 iPad. Now granted 1 device per classroom is not ideal, but it can still be useful. I've found that it motivates kids that otherwise weren't motivated before. Here are a few apps that are near and dear to my heart.

Name: Endless ABC
Location: the App Store
Cost: FREE
Ages: preschool - primary grades
Description: This app is most favorite free app ever! It starts with all of these colorful monsters bowling over a word and mixing up the letters. As you grab each letter the letter starts to make its own unique sound. This is especially helpful with short and long vowel sounds! Because let's face it, vowels are so unfair to the phonemically challenged. In the end it repeats the word's pronunciation and then gives an animated demonstration of the word used in real life. It's a phonics AND vocabulary building app! I love love love this app!

Name: ABC Mouse books
Location: the App Store
Cost: FREE
Ages: preschool - primary grades
Description: these free books are amazing. The books have 2 options for reading independently and aloud. This is great for fluency and scaffolding for struggling readers. Another great thing about these books ate the glossaries that accompany the fables and nonfiction. The books are wonderful free audio books for all struggling readers!

Name: Amazing Coins
Location: the App Store
Cost: FREE
Ages: preschool - primary grades
Description: This app is wonderful for 2nd graders learning their coins. It shows all the faces of the coins including all 50+ quarters! It's immediate feedback allows the children time with the coins without the stress of others watching. It's a wonderful tutorial and practice education app for money.

Name: Teach Me K- 2nd Grade
Location: the App Store
Cost: $1.99 (each grade level)
Ages: 5k-2nd grade
Description: This app is so cool! I don't pay for apps often but this one is worth it! It tracks the progress of multiple users. I have it in three different levels to meet the differential needs of all my learners. What I like most is when a user makes a mistake, it GUIDES the learner to the correct understanding instead of just giving the correct answer. This set of apps is a must have all primary teachers!


  1. I believe that apps are good tools. Mobile apps are great tools in this new generation.

    1. I agree. We can either embrace this technology or watch our students leave us in the dust!

  2. Using apps is a great way to engage students while they are reviewing skills. How often do they really get anything out of doing worksheets? This is a good way to provide extra practice and individualized instruction while working with other students during small group. We just need to make sure we select appropriate apps like the ones you have listed above.
