Saturday, May 4, 2013

Top 10 Tech Tools

10.) LCD Projector - Without this dandy gadget, we'd never see anything in my room! Movies, games, and computer driven lessons all depend on my LCD projector. Take care of your bulbs guys!

9.) Document Camera - Did anyone ever teach with an overhead projector? Me, I did! I can still remember the panic of running out of projector film that could be fed through the copy machine and desperately begging others for some before school started. So do I love my document camera unconditionally? Yes ma'am I do!

8.) Promethean Board - I don't think students would know how to act if, God forbid, something should happen this piece of precious technology! We use this multiple times a day and we have fun learning.

7.) Brain Pop Jr. - OMG how did I ever teach without this site? My kids LOVE Annie and Moby. It puts difficult concepts into kid friendly videos.

6.) App Store - The App Store is my first stop for all educational tutorials for my students. Cheap and accessible, my two favorite things!

5.) My personal and Classroom computers- Computers make the world go 'round now. I research with and continuously implement lessons with a PC. I couldn't live without one!

4.) Internet- I love the Internet in general. I'm a master at trivial pursuit and it keeps me sharp in and out of the classroom.

3.) Nook - My husband got me a Nook Color for Christmas 3 or 4 years ago and I read ALL of the time now. I don't know what I'd do without it. I really don't want to know how much I've spent on books since I got it.

2.) iPad - How did parents survive the toddlers year before these things? I use my iPad all the time at home and school . My students beg for it and my daughter has learned so much from it. I just wish I had a class set!

1.) iPhone - Last and most certainly most important, my iPhone. I have done every single blog and tweet from my iPhone. My husband was in the hospital last weekend and I didn't stress about school because I had it there with me to do the work. I do all my banking from this baby too! I love my phone and I refuse to live without it!


  1. Isn't it amazing how much technology we have at our finger tips? How would any of us survive without the internet or our smartphones?
