Sunday, April 14, 2013

Material Generators

Desktop Publisher - I've never used it in my classroom, but I have used the software Page Maker when my husband printed a local paper about racing. I've never really thought about using in my classroom, but with Common Core State Standards coming down the pike I may want to pull it back out to help my kids start writing toward the editorial/argument based writing. Sometimes it takes a gimmick to get kids to write in new ways. And I can see kids scrambling over themselves to "publish" their own articles!

Whiteboard Activity Software - I use ActivStudio everyday! It is my best friend for introducing concepts and reviewing material for my visual learners. My kids love the "games" that our Reading series created with the software. It forces the students to be active (hints the name!) learners instead of passive participants. It's a great tool that I only started using 6 years ago but now I couldn't live without!

Worksheet and Puzzle Generators - (with my hand in air to show guilt). Yes. I use these websites from time to time. I'm not big on worksheets but some skills demand repetition and practice. I like using these fir Math because I can tailor the sheets to meet each child's needs. I believe in leveled instruction and practice. It takes more time to create 3 to 6 different Math sheets for homework but my children are MUCH more likely to complete their homework if its on their ability level. I honestly don't know why anyone wouldn't use these free worksheet generator sites for their kids.

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