Sunday, April 21, 2013

Responsible Digital Citizen

When thinking about the importance of being a responsible digital citizen, I think about my daughter and the children I teach. I believe that if we are to expect these responsible behaviors from our children, we must be prepared to be examples worth following. I came across this site ( while looking into digital citizenship for our project and found it very helpful as a parent. It's a great tool to use as a parent and a teacher. We really are the first generation faced with this facet of child rearing. In my opinion, being a good digital citizen is a lot like being a good person, and that's something we all want for our children and students.


  1. It's kind of scary to think about my own child being on the internet. I want to desperately to protect him and to think of what could happen makes me physically ill. Educating them is key!

    1. Yes ma'am! We can't turn a blind eye and hope for the best.

  2. Karen you are certainly right. Educating them is the key.
