Monday, March 25, 2013


Hello to all.  I'm Jenny Summey and I teach second grade in South Carolina.  I'll be married 8 years on April 2nd (better get on that gift soon.), and we have a soon to be three year old daughter.  I've taught for nine years with 6 of those years in 2nd grade.  I love teaching but my heart is in the library building a love of literacy for everyone.  I pray that my efforts are fruitful, and God will soon lead me to a library position.  I hope to learn and share a lot while working on the blog assignment for Technology in Education.

1 comment:

  1. I was a classroom teacher and am now a librarian. It's changing quickly and I love it. When I looked for a position I couldn't find one in the area I wanted. I stopped and one fell right into my lap! God is in control.
